Thursday, 14 June 2012

How To Recover From Google's Panda Effect

Google Panda is Google's latest search algorithm. Introduced last year, the algorithm was created to a draw a line between awesome sites and not-so-good sites. This update ranks all websites according to the quality and quantity of the quality content on present on them. So, lets say you had a website about gorgeous girls, it will obviously get more hits and thus be considered a hit by Google Panda. On the same end, if you had a website about how sexy George W. Bush is, it wouldn't get as many visitors as you'd like and be ranked below-the-belt website (!).

Where the update itself needs a little bit of getting used to, it actually is pretty handy. For one, the big companies won't be listed at the top of the search just for their unbeatable SEO tactics. Secondly, quality content will be prioritised and show on the top of the search engine driving more traffic into your website.

Now, Google Panda is going to kick your butt out of its community if you have:

1. Copied or Duplicate Content

2. Outdated or Idiotic Content which the Users find Irrelevant

3. Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes

4. Automatically Generated Content

5. Frivolous SEO Content

6. Over Optimization

Make one mistake and your website is going to be penalized for it now. You have entered the Rabbit's Hole and it goes much deeper than you think. This, I would like to think, is a plus for quality bloggers. We feel sorry for all the spammers out there who had dreams to make it big through copying someone else's content and posting outdated material thinking it didn't matter as long as they got paid.

Alright, lets get to the "Fixing and Fighting" part of Google Panda. We have a few solutions for you regarding your page ranking and Google Panda. Let's check them out below:

-Release The Demon Inside: 'Copy and Paste' Trend Won't Work Any more:

Give your brain a little nudge, or perhaps a light pinch, doing this could be sufficient to reduce the numbness that you have provided it with for so many years. If that doesn't work to wake it up, then might as well give up your dream to become a successful blogger. Unleash the dragon and write with your mind and heart. Produce quality content and write it in your own (intelligible) words. Make your posts interesting, worth-the-while, grammatically correct, spelling mistakes will not be tolerated (yeah, we are back to grade school).

Keep the above suggestion in mind and write at least every once a week. Update your blog/website and make sure all your links are in working condition. Do not leave your site dormant. It will bring you down where all the sucky sites reside.

Write lengthy content, add videos, images, etc to make it more attractive and easy-to-understand to your readers and followers. Know what your followers are looking for and give them exactly that and more.

-Speed Counts:

Optimize your website to higher, more desirable speeds. Make it user-friendly and relevant to your topic. Google likes websites that are in tune with their soul.

-Duplicated Content in a BIG 'NO':

The concept is that when you duplicate or copy some content you are technically 'stealing' it. Google Panda is working very well against the theft or original content so you should remove all the data you have ever stolen from someone and vow never to do it again because the punishment to doing so wont be a few spanks, it will be being dragged down the page ranking chain. If you know what you want to write, then write it the way you feel like it should be written. Don't be a sore loser.

-Use Relevant Keywords:

We can not impress this point enough, you need to know that the keywords you use can either bring you to the top of the food chain or get you eaten brutally and spat out by a bunch of no-good wannabes. Use the most relevant keywords according to your website and your blog. It will help you get the most traffic from the internet users. If you don't know how to use keywords to your benefit, please follow this link.

-Link You Blog/Website to the Social Media (Twitter, Facebook etc):

By using these social websites, you will drive more traffic into your website. Your followers/subscribers will follow your posts and in return, Google will start considering you a legit blogger. If you don't know how to drive traffic to your website through Twitter, please click here.

-Offer Free Promotions:

People like free stuff, we all know that. All website owners should take advantage of this weakness of mankind. Offer free stuff like ebooks, music and video downloads etc and you will instantly drive more traffic into your website.

These suggestions may look tough and most of you must be thinking about getting out while you still can but trust us, if you really are serious about what you do then this is the only way to beat the Panda Effect. You need to start working on your website, give it time, pamper it, love it and Google Panda will give you the results.

Until then, Happy Panda-Kick-Ass-ing Everyone! :)

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