Sunday, 13 May 2012

Advanced WordPress SEO Secrets Part 2

Well As you have Read our previous article on Wordpress SEO secrets.We at incomefigure bring you another article related to Wordpress SEO secrets.
I personally recommend the readers to read our Advanced Wordpress SEO Secrets Part 1
So than it will be more helpful and easy to understand as I have carried some stuff from our previous post.

So lets get started.Below are some key points so do read it.!.
Speed is an important part for every blog if you are looking to get search engine traffic. Google has loved fast loading blogs for some time now. Although some do not agree with this, I have only got more hits from search engines since optimizing my blog for speed. Check below plugins to get more hits on your site.

DB Cache – This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching.

WP Super Cache – This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

WP CSS - This plugin GZIP and strip whitespace from your CSS files. It allows you to confidently use @import inside a CSS file and not worry about what happens on the user’s end. It will look through your style.css file and put any @import files into it. A cache expiry time can also be set.

PHP Speedy WP – PHP Speedy is a script that you can install on your web server to automatically speed up the download time of your web pages.

Optimize DB - For some People running WordPress, the use of phpMyAdmin appears to be a risky thing. There’s just too many options. This plugin lets you do just one simple task: optimize the tables of your database, to reduce their overhead.
Next time you are thinking about a webhost, pick one with a server that has speed.

Content Pages:

There is Another  secret in of our  “Wordpress SEO secrets” Called Content Pages.

Now let me tell you people what really it is.You see We need to get posting pure and simple, but firstly we need to work out a few things. Are we having static pages? we think you want them, and they don’t just want to be “about us” and “contact”

What is your ultimate keyword target? ..say over 3 years your site explodes, and you became the authority on your topic, what’s the ultimate glory ranking word/s?

Hopefully it will be in your domain name anyway, but if not, no matter, we optimize the front page for it, and get the correct variants and modifiers into the descending URL structure. So with our site as an example, income, obviously the ultimate targets are the big one worders, Wordpress SEO secrets SEO & Income Figure, it wouldn’t get any better than getting first page for both of those.. (but neither would exactly be “converting keywords” and so cost / benefit must always apply.

Page optimization is also important if your looking to improve your SEO on WordPress. 

The simple things you can do is use the breadcrumbs plugin so that you can show search engines around your Blog. It will be easier for search engines to find all your content and at a faster speed. Page numbers will also help your SEO so use the WordPress SEO Pager Plugin.In our previous post we have told you how you can increase you traffic.

So carefully optimize your top level (index) page for your ultimate target terms.

WordPress Post Plugins SEO:

It is important that you use plugins to help your WordPress SEO. There are many plugins that can do this for you but if you want the best SEO for WordPress there are a few that are better than others.
The one I use is either All in One SEO Pack or HeadSpace 2. They both let you optimize your titles, descriptions, and keywords of your posts. Both of them will do the same for your overall blog.


SEO Keywords:

As our main site targets the vast majority of the “proper” SEO keywords that we know convert (and some others too) we really use the blog mainly for supplementing content to “rank though” the site above, and for immediacy in the charts when required As our main site targets the vast majority of the “proper” SEO keywords.

Use the Google suggested phrases for your main keyword (at the bottom of the Google page) to help you if you are unsure, maybe “keyword authority” around a certain phrase (your top level one).

Check out this  Google Adwords and look at the traffic figures for each of the subterms, and cross-reference with what’s most relevant to your site and product, not what has the highest traffic. Targeting the wrong words and chasing impossible phrases is just silly, we want qualified, targeted traffic only, all the rest is mostly pointless.its an essential secret of our “WordPress SEO Secret”.

Filler posts these are as the name implies, exactly that, fodder to fill the gaps. However, that doesn't mean they should be poor, these are actually our favorite posts. Write about things you want to say, or get off your chest. Use humor as much as possible, make them as entertaining as you can.  

Link as out as relevant, inbound if it’s applicable, but don’t try to get SEO links in that don’t go with the story. It’s a chance to practice your writing skills and not worry too much about SEO for a change. So that’s the basics of WordPress SEO content creation in operation.I hope you would have liked our series of “WordPress SEO Secrets”. There are more to come in near future.

Title for WordPress SEO:

Title optimization is an important WordPress SEO Secret. You definitely need to download the plugins that I mentioned in number two. These plugins will allow you to insert any title that you want to have show up in Google for your article. It is important to write good titles that Google loves.Make sure that any keywords that you are targeting are at the front of your title. It seems that Google and other search engines give you a better ranking for the keywords at the beginning. Try not to use one of those automatic title makers.

<title> WordPress SEO Secret & Your Blog</title>

In this article we’re going to cover all aspects of blogging SEO , WordPress SEO Secret we are aiming to produce a comprehensive guide on how to SEO a blog WordPress SEO Secret, through to your content, site structure and strategies, we’re going to explode your Blogs SEO, WordPress SEO Secret until it ranks like a pro SEO (Income Figure) blog

Get the idea?  you’ve gotten all the words covered in easy natural language in the intro. Now just talk some more around it below, naturally, and you’re mostly there.This I condiser myself the most essential secret of our “WordPress SEO Secret”.

What to Write in Post:

One of the biggest problems faced by many many bloggers is what to write about on an ongoing basis, its often difficult to come up with new ideas and fresh material. But when you can get onto something important early, or even first, there is big potential for traffic, and picking up natural links by being one of the first into the SERP with a post about it.

Google also seem to possibly give extra long-lasting credence over and above the freshness factor to posts that were first in the charts,

We run Google alerts on our theme words, watch the big boys blogs, SEObook, SEOmoz etc, and just  generally keep an eye out for news or interesting stuff to expand on or add something to, and this is the key, make it your own, whether by adding in your personality, some extra information, or being controversial doesn’t really matter, just get onto it and get it ranking first or in the first 5 posts about it.

If youre 3 days late, it’s too late, don’t bother unless you can really add new value to it, no-ones interested in reading the same old thing re-hashed over and over.

Apply standard linking tactics (as per theme posts) and never be afraid to link out to the resource or competitors who break news, it probably helps bind you into the mix for the term, and definitely doesn’t hurt. (if they’re direct chart competitors just use bland anchor text, dont nofollow them it’s rude) If you’re linking to another WP blog post, the author will see it, and sometimes they’ll even link back at you 

if you’ve added anything of interest to the discusion.  ..More trackback power. (We run dofollow trackbacks guys, decent inbounds are rewarded, scrapers will be spammed as usual of course).These are our essential secret of “WordPress SEO Secret

 Our WordPress SEO Secret Results:

It is important to look at your SEO results so you know what is working and what is not working. However, make sure you give your article sometime to be indexed in the search engines and get a good ranking. I use WassUp so that I can look at live traffic coming to my blog. Many people use Google Analytics but I just use that past days. It doesn’t give you any live feedback on the traffic coming your Blog.


So that’s where it ends today, hope it wasnt too hard work, and you’ve seen something you might not have thought about yet, but if not there’s plenty more to come.I hope this article may have provide you enough knowledge for you people to become a champ in SEO. As this was our motive in our article “Wordpress SEO secrets” I hope it has given you enough secrets that you may not known.Stay Tuned for more upcoming article related to “Wordpress SEO secrets”.

Source: - "Wordpress SEO secrets I by SEOibiza"

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